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Forestry walks & trails in Ardnamurchan

Visit the Sunart Oak Woods near Sunart to discover a former ancient forest and how man lived in the area.

Strontian is the gateway to a very different type of country. This is Suaineart ghorm nan darach; green Sunart of the oaks; one of the very few parts of modern Scotland where it is possible to form some idea of why it was that oakwoods seemed so special to the Celts. Go there, if possible, on one of those brilliantly sunny days which occur often in the Highlands during May and June. Take in the sights and sounds and scents of an ancient woodland as it comes into leaf.” ? 

The Sunart Oakwoods initiative is a major and developing project, which aims to restore and expand the native woodlands of the wider Sunart area.   

 Around Loch Sunart lie some of the finest temperate oakwoods in the British Isles, remnants of a formerly much more extensive band of coastal woodland which once stretched from Scotland down the Atlantic coast of Europe as far as Spain and Portugal. These ancient semi-natural woodlands are home to some of the most rare plants in Europe. 

 Loch Sunart itself is home to a particularly high density of otters, and together with its marine reefs, and the surrounding woodland and heathland habitats, the entire area has been recognised as of European importance for conservation through designation as a candidate Special Area of Conservation.  So whether you are interested in flora and fauna, the seashore, geology or woodlands, you will find much to interest you in the Sunart Oakwoods.  For information of events and guided walks, go to Sunart Oakwood" ... 

 Strontian is the gateway to a very different type of country. This is Suaineart ghorm nan darach; green Sunart of the oaks; one of the very few parts of modern Scotland where it is possible to form some idea of why it was that oakwoods seemed so special to the Celts. Go there, if possible, on one of those brilliantly sunny days which occur often in the Highlands during May and June. Take in the sights and sounds and scents of an ancient woodland as it comes into leaf.