Relentless 24

RE24 has become a classic on any 24 hour MTB specialists calander, whether your speciality is non-stop riding for 24 hours, or non-stop socialising and swapping riders for 24 hours (if you are taking part in a team!).  What's not to like? The race takes place in Forestry Commission Scotland's Leanachan Forest and Nevis Range's World Class tracks, matched with World Class facilities in the beautiful surroundings of the Outdoor Capital of the UK, all the while in the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that No Fuss take so seriously.

RE24 takes place in October, when the days are getting shorter and the nights longer.   - after the clocks have gone back, making the night even longer and making the challenge even tougher. It's also close to Hallowe'en, so you never know who or  what's hiding in those trees??
Full details and registration on NOFUSS website.

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Nevis Range Mountain Centre, Torlundy, PH33 6SQ

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