Glengarry Highland Games

The games are supported by many local businesses and the proceeds go to local charities. Many local groups have stalls on the day, and the W.R.I. provide teas to the committee and other guests. There are all the usual track and field events (including the Hill Race), interspersed with childrens races, with competition being open to locals and visitors alike. Many well-known Highland athletes and strong men compete and Games records can sometimes be beaten.

Heavy events include the Hammer, Weight for Distance, Shot Putt, Caber, Weight over the Bar, the Farmers Walk and the team event, the Tug of War.The Games feature The Lochaber Pipe Band, a parade by the Games Queen, a Highland Dancing competition, a childrens fancy dress competition and a pet dog fun show (2pm- entries on the field from 1pm). A Police Crime Prevention Caravan attends with various displays and situations permitting, shows such as dog handling.

The fire brigade also attend, and they hold a "welly" boot throwing competition. There are always a variety of other attractions, displays, stalls and childrens' entertainment and refreshments are available throughout the days proceedings.

Nevis Radio broadcast from the event.

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